About NewHope

Here you'll find out all the finer details of NewHope Church - our vision & values, what we believe, our partners, and our pastor.

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We're a church that started in 2009 with a vision to create groups and gatherings where people could explore faith, experience community, encounter Jesus and begin to express His love to the world. Find out more about our mission, vision and values.


NewHope is a Christ-centred, Bible-believing church. We are affiliated with the Baptist Association of NSW and ACT. Our core beliefs are outlined clearly and accessed via the button below.


NewHope is a church that’s committed to friendship and partnership with others. God is doing amazing things right across the earth and we’re blessed to have many friends, churches and organisations who we desire to see flourish in their mission and calling.


David O'Connor (Doc) has been NewHope's pastor since September 2017. He is married to Amity and they have 4 sons - Declan, Mackenzie, Asher and Jasper. His vision and passion is seeing people find and fulfil their God-given purpose and potential.

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NewHope Church is committed to providing places, services and programs that promote physical, emotional and spiritual health and safety, and model the love of Christ to all whom we have contact with, particularly children, young people and vulnerable adults.